Tonight, I'm going to be helping a friend playtest a campaign idea. Since this is only a test, I decided to expand my normal character choices. So, let me introduce Dee: my halfling monk.
I rarely play small races, I don't know why, but I thought this would be a fun character to try it with. As I started making Dee, I was a little disappointed with some aspects. Low damage (1d4 for unarmed strikes and a strength penalty), 20 ft. speed (starting at level 1 so no bonus speed yet), and a -4 penalty on grapple checks.
But! It's not all bad. My saves are +6 each, AC of 17 with no armor, +1 attack bonus for size, lots of skill bonuses, and I took Improved Grapple to cancel out that -4 penalty (still not as good as a medium or large character with Improved Grapple, but eh... I can just picture the little guy leaping onto his opponent's faces and taking them down).
We probably won't be getting too far in levels (might just be a one-shot adventure), but if it does turn into a moderate-level campaign, I plan to take the Drunken Master prestige class (Complete Warrior). Hehe, can't you just see a permanently drunk halfling, looking like a beggar, pummeling an ogre to the ground. Can't wait!
I rarely play small races, I don't know why, but I thought this would be a fun character to try it with. As I started making Dee, I was a little disappointed with some aspects. Low damage (1d4 for unarmed strikes and a strength penalty), 20 ft. speed (starting at level 1 so no bonus speed yet), and a -4 penalty on grapple checks.
But! It's not all bad. My saves are +6 each, AC of 17 with no armor, +1 attack bonus for size, lots of skill bonuses, and I took Improved Grapple to cancel out that -4 penalty (still not as good as a medium or large character with Improved Grapple, but eh... I can just picture the little guy leaping onto his opponent's faces and taking them down).
We probably won't be getting too far in levels (might just be a one-shot adventure), but if it does turn into a moderate-level campaign, I plan to take the Drunken Master prestige class (Complete Warrior). Hehe, can't you just see a permanently drunk halfling, looking like a beggar, pummeling an ogre to the ground. Can't wait!
Labels: D and D, d20, Dungeons and Dragons, halfling, monk, prestige class
Totally, the requirements are 8 ranks in tumble, the feats Dodge, Great Fortitude, and Improved Unarmed Strike (monks get this free). Plus the flurry of blows ability (monk level 1 ability), and the evasion ability (monk level 2). Finally, the character "must be chosen by existing drunken masters and survive a night of revelry among them without being incarcerated, poisoned, or extraordinarily embarassed" (Complete Warrior). So I should be able to take it after only 5 monk levels.
Oh! And it allows monks to continue progressing as monks even after taking it. Which avoids the need for the Unwavering Path quest as described earlier.
The class itself is pretty neat, it allows you to change direction while charging (imagine a staggering drunk not being able to run straight), you can use improvised weapons much more effectively (broken bottles, chairs, mugs, whatever), and ways of getting all kinds of benefits from drinking.
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