The Rod of Life
Disclaimer: I don't suggest actually putting this in game unless you know what you're doing.
I was bored the other day, so I decided to come up with one of the most powerful magic items I could think of. This is, the Rod of Life.
The Rod of Life is an unlimited use rod that casts true resurrection on command. Caster level 17th.
Ok, first question, why a rod? To that I respond why not? Actually, I chose a rod because they rarely duplicate spells. Normally, they have magical effects that are similar to spells, but significantly different. So, for an item that will never see the light of day anyway, let's make it a rod.
Now, every cleric wants one of these now right? So what does it take to make one? (because you aint gonna be buying one let me tell you....)
First you need the spell true resurrection, everyone got their holy symbols? Good! Now open your texts to page 1. Anyway, the base price to make one of these babies is not that bad, only about 275,400 gold. So that means that to create one, you need to spend 137,700 gold on materials, and sacrifice 11,016 experience points. Got it? Wait! We're not done yet! True resurrection also has a costly material component. Specifically, 25,000 gold in diamonds, and for unlimited uses, we need this component 100 times over! Woo! So the final cost for creation comes to a whopping 2,637,700 gold (which is almost the total wealth of a party of 4 level 20s according to the wealth-by-level charts). In addition, the rod would take 276 days to complete.
So there you go. Craft yourself a Rod of Life, find the nearest 170 year old (or younger) epic battlefield, and start raising all the good guys!
I was bored the other day, so I decided to come up with one of the most powerful magic items I could think of. This is, the Rod of Life.
The Rod of Life is an unlimited use rod that casts true resurrection on command. Caster level 17th.
Ok, first question, why a rod? To that I respond why not? Actually, I chose a rod because they rarely duplicate spells. Normally, they have magical effects that are similar to spells, but significantly different. So, for an item that will never see the light of day anyway, let's make it a rod.
Now, every cleric wants one of these now right? So what does it take to make one? (because you aint gonna be buying one let me tell you....)
First you need the spell true resurrection, everyone got their holy symbols? Good! Now open your texts to page 1. Anyway, the base price to make one of these babies is not that bad, only about 275,400 gold. So that means that to create one, you need to spend 137,700 gold on materials, and sacrifice 11,016 experience points. Got it? Wait! We're not done yet! True resurrection also has a costly material component. Specifically, 25,000 gold in diamonds, and for unlimited uses, we need this component 100 times over! Woo! So the final cost for creation comes to a whopping 2,637,700 gold (which is almost the total wealth of a party of 4 level 20s according to the wealth-by-level charts). In addition, the rod would take 276 days to complete.
So there you go. Craft yourself a Rod of Life, find the nearest 170 year old (or younger) epic battlefield, and start raising all the good guys!
Labels: D and D, d20, Dungeons and Dragons, magic items
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