Outsider Templates
Me again!
Ok, here we go. Since I haven't received any questions as of yet, let me present my own. I'm fully open to any explanation you can give on this subject. I was looking through the Monster Manual comparing templates and such when I noticed something odd.
On the one hand, you have the Celestial Creature template which adds a few special abilities including smite evil (a lesser form than the paladin's ability of the same name), a little energy resistance, possibly damage reduction (depending on hit dice), spell resistance, and darkvision great!
Then I noticed the Half-Celestial template. Who get loads of other abilities in addition to everything mentioned above (and better versions of a lot of the celestial's abilities). I checked out the Fiendish Creature and Half-Fiend templates and they show the same difference. So, what is it about a creature mating with a lesser creature that creates a third creature far more powerful than either of the parents?
I now open the floor for discussion. Btw, by responding to this with a suggestion you are giving me permission to post said suggestion. I won't use your name if you don't want me to. And... GO!
Ok, here we go. Since I haven't received any questions as of yet, let me present my own. I'm fully open to any explanation you can give on this subject. I was looking through the Monster Manual comparing templates and such when I noticed something odd.
On the one hand, you have the Celestial Creature template which adds a few special abilities including smite evil (a lesser form than the paladin's ability of the same name), a little energy resistance, possibly damage reduction (depending on hit dice), spell resistance, and darkvision great!
Then I noticed the Half-Celestial template. Who get loads of other abilities in addition to everything mentioned above (and better versions of a lot of the celestial's abilities). I checked out the Fiendish Creature and Half-Fiend templates and they show the same difference. So, what is it about a creature mating with a lesser creature that creates a third creature far more powerful than either of the parents?
I now open the floor for discussion. Btw, by responding to this with a suggestion you are giving me permission to post said suggestion. I won't use your name if you don't want me to. And... GO!
Labels: D and D, d20, Dungeons and Dragons, templates
I suppose it is a Darwinian thing, in a way. The offspring gets the best of both worlds. Imagine the thousands of offspring from these mergers that are just sorcerers.
Love the idea of your site, and I'll check it regularly.
Yeah, I'm not saying anything should be changed, it just seems odd to me.
Glad you like the site, tell your friends! :)
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