The Fighter
Let's try something new shall we?
In an effort to post more often, I'm committing to a series of posts that will be primarily my thoughts on the PHB base classes. These will be in no particular order, just what I feel like writing on at the time unless I get some requests for a certain class.
Today, we'll start with the fighter. How boring right? Wrong!
Ok, granted. The fighter is really only good for one thing... fighting. But, it does offer an incredible amount of variety within that role. Let's look at what we're dealing with here: max BAB, good fort save, d10 hit dice, few skill points, and 11 bonus feats.
Now, when one hears the word "fighter," you probably think high strength and constitution, grab a greatsword and power attack and get hackin'. That's definitely one way to go, but there are many other ways to build a fighter. Instead of strength and constitution, go with high dexterity and pick up weapon finesse and a rapier or even a whip. Sure, you won't do as much damage, but there's much more to fighting than beating your opponent to a pulp and it's much more stylish.
This brings me to my next point. You're a fighter. Fighting is all you know. So, know all about fighting. This means memorizing Chapter 8 in the PHB. Make use of all the tricks- tripping, disarming, sundering, bull-rushing, charging, mounted combat, overrunning, grappling, feinting, whatever. And don't worry that many of those provoke AoOs, you're a fighter! You're almost guaranteed a high AC either from armor or dex and enough HP to take some punishment. Besides, you've got enough feats to burn on things like improved (grapple, trip, disarm, whatever).
So next time you play a fighter, pick up improved grapple right off the bat and start tackling all your opponents or grab a couple whips (with all the two-weapon fighting feats) and trip 7 people a round. And then flail them all because you took Improved Trip and get an extra attack for all the successful trips. Sure that won't work against some creatures, but you did remember to pick up some back-up weapons right? RIGHT?!
Well, I think that's it for now. Next time we'll discuss... something else....
In an effort to post more often, I'm committing to a series of posts that will be primarily my thoughts on the PHB base classes. These will be in no particular order, just what I feel like writing on at the time unless I get some requests for a certain class.
Today, we'll start with the fighter. How boring right? Wrong!
Ok, granted. The fighter is really only good for one thing... fighting. But, it does offer an incredible amount of variety within that role. Let's look at what we're dealing with here: max BAB, good fort save, d10 hit dice, few skill points, and 11 bonus feats.
Now, when one hears the word "fighter," you probably think high strength and constitution, grab a greatsword and power attack and get hackin'. That's definitely one way to go, but there are many other ways to build a fighter. Instead of strength and constitution, go with high dexterity and pick up weapon finesse and a rapier or even a whip. Sure, you won't do as much damage, but there's much more to fighting than beating your opponent to a pulp and it's much more stylish.
This brings me to my next point. You're a fighter. Fighting is all you know. So, know all about fighting. This means memorizing Chapter 8 in the PHB. Make use of all the tricks- tripping, disarming, sundering, bull-rushing, charging, mounted combat, overrunning, grappling, feinting, whatever. And don't worry that many of those provoke AoOs, you're a fighter! You're almost guaranteed a high AC either from armor or dex and enough HP to take some punishment. Besides, you've got enough feats to burn on things like improved (grapple, trip, disarm, whatever).
So next time you play a fighter, pick up improved grapple right off the bat and start tackling all your opponents or grab a couple whips (with all the two-weapon fighting feats) and trip 7 people a round. And then flail them all because you took Improved Trip and get an extra attack for all the successful trips. Sure that won't work against some creatures, but you did remember to pick up some back-up weapons right? RIGHT?!
Well, I think that's it for now. Next time we'll discuss... something else....
Labels: Base Class Series, base classes, D and D, d20, fighter
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